Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here today, Gone tomorrow!

富不过三代 (fu bu guo san dai)
Wealth does not pass three generations.

Explanation: In business, the first generation works extremely hard, so that the second generation reaps the benefits. By the time the third generation arrives, the wealth is squandered.

How true!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Serenity Prayer

God! Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things that I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference

-- The Serenity Prayer

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brand Names

People who have achieved success in their lives have no need for brand names in order to validate their self-image. The brand names run after them to be associated with them, and bask in their glory.

People who have never achieved anything in their lives run after brand names. They need the brand names to validate their self-image. Indeed they derive their "glory" from the brand names.

Can I?

Those who can, do. Those who can't criticize those who can.

Those who can't, and know they can't, can be helped.
Those who can't, and think they can, are beyond redemption